Conference opening welcome: Professor Sir Peter Mathieson

Professor Sir Peter Mathieson
We are delighted to announce that the Principal, Professor Sir Peter Mathieson, will open ICEC 2024 on behalf of The University of Edinburgh.
Keynote speaker: Professor Gabriela Medero

Professor Gabriela Medero
Professor Gabriela Medero is Associate Principal for Enterprise and Professor in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering at Heriot-Watt University. Gabi is also the Chief Scientific Officer of the spin-out company Kenoteq. She is a civil engineer and her research interest focus on development and understanding of thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of geomaterials going from construction materials to soils. She has been researching and developing innovative building materials made from recycled waste for over 15 years. Gabriela’s research has led to the spin-out company Kenoteq to be formed. Gabriela is the Head of the Geotechnics and Innovative Construction Materials Research Group at Heriot-Watt and member of the Construction Leadership Forum of the Scottish Government among other committees.
Keynote speaker: Dr Ann Bourgès

Dr Ann Bourgès
Dr Ann Bourgès (C2RMF) is a conservation scientist at C2RMF (HDR in 2017 in materials science). In 2006 she obtained her PhD in mineralogy at the University of Geosciences at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich. She worked as a conservation scientist specializing in stone and clay conservation for 3 years at the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles and then at the Laboratoire de recherche des Monuments historiques (LRMH) for 13 years. She now holds the same position at the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France (C2RMF), where she is deputy director of the Objet Group within the research department. Ann Bourgès is secretary general of ICOMOS France and leads the climate and heritage working group as well as the WP6 Climate and interface of the national research project Equipex+ Espadon. She also leads the AFNOR group on the standardization of cultural goods - inorganic porous materials constituting cultural heritage.
Keynote speaker: Professor Harald Kloft

Professor Harald Kloft
Professor Dr Ing Harald Kloft is the Professor for Structural Design at TU Braunschweig, a spokesperson of the Deutsche Firshungsgemeinshaft TRR 277 Additive Manufacturing in Construction consortium, and Co-Founder of the OSD (Office for Structural Design). Prof. Kloft's research is based on digital technologies and is inspired by the needs of sustainability and circular economy in construction, unifying material technology, structural design and fabrication processes. He and a team of nearly 30 scientists are aiming to research additive manufacturing construction as a resource-efficient digital fabrication technology for the construction industry.